The top 15 machine learning projects in Python with source code

The top 15 machine learning projects in Python with source code

1. Loan Prediction

Predict whether a loan will be approved based on applicant information using classification algorithms

Recommended for: Beginner
Tech Stack: Python, Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, Scikit learn
Link to source codeLoan Prediction

2. Titanic Survival Prediction

Predict whether a passenger survived the Titanic disaster based on various features such as age, gender, and class.

Recommended for: Beginners
Tech Stack: Python
Link to source code: Titanic Survival Prediction

3. Fake News Detection

Identify whether a news article is fake or real using natural language processing techniques.

Recommended for: Beginners
Tech Stack: Python, Numpy, Pandas, scikit learn
Link to source code: Fake News Detection

4. Stock Price Prediction

Predict stock prices using historical data and machine learning algorithms.

Recommended for: Beginner
Tech Stack: Python, Scikit learn, Keras, Numpy, Pandas
Link to source code: Stock Price Prediction

5. Digit Recognition

Classify handwritten digits using the MNIST dataset and neural networks.

Recommended for: Beginner
Tech Stack: Python, Computer vision, numpy, tensorflow, keras, pillow

Link to source code: Digit Recognition

6. Gender Recognition

Classify gender based on voice features using machine learning techniques.

Recommended for: Intermediate
Tech Stack: Python, librosa, scikit learn, pydub
Link to source code: Gender Recognition

7. Hate Speech Detection

Detect hate speech in tweets using natural language processing and machine learning.

Recommended for: Intermediate
Tech Stack: Python, NLTK, Pandas, NumPy
Link to source code: Hate Speech Detection

8. Credit Card Fraud Detection

Detect fraudulent credit card transactions using various machine learning algorithms.

Recommended for: Intermediate
Tech Stack: Python, numpy, pandas, scikit learn
Link to source code: Credit Card Fraud Detection

9. Customer Segmentation

Segment customers into different groups based on their purchasing behavior using clustering algorithms.

Recommended for: Intermediate
Tech Stack: Python
Link to source code: Customer Segmentation

10. Chatbot using Python

Create a chatbot that can interact with users using natural language processing and machine learning techniques.

Recommended for: Intermediate
Tech Stack: Python, Natural Language Processing
Link to source code Chatbot using Python

11. Social Media Sentiment Analysis using Python and Machine Learning

Analyze the sentiment of social media posts using natural language processing and machine learning techniques.

Recommended for: Advanced
Tech Stack: Python, numpy, pandas, nltk
Link to source code: Social Media Sentiment Analysis

12. Movie Recommendation System

Build a recommendation system to suggest movies to users based on their preferences.

Recommended for: Advanced
Tech Stack: Python, numpy, surprise
Link to source code: Movie Recommendation System

13. Image Recognition

Classify images into different categories using convolutional neural networks and deep learning techniques.

Recommended for: Advanced
Tech Stack: Python, Computer vision
Link to source code: Image Recognition

14. Language Detection

Detect the language of a given text using natural language processing and machine learning techniques.

Recommended for: Advanced
Tech Stack: Python, pandas, scikit learn
Link to source code: Language Detection

15. Speech Emotion Recognition

Classify emotions from speech signals using machine learning and deep learning techniques.

Recommended for: Advanced
Tech Stack: Python, librosa
Link to source code: Speech Emotion Recognition

These projects cover a wide range of machine learning applications and are great for honing your skills in Python and machine learning.

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